Saturday, November 25, 2006

A new baby!

Lady wanted me to update everyone, as she hasn't had a chance to get online for a few days.
Lady went to the hospital on Wednesday morning to start the induction process... and at 1:55am on Thanksgiving day, Piper Lea came into the world. She weighed in at 8 pounds even, 21 inches long. Lady says the nurses in the nursery keep exclaiming over how long she is laying there in the isolette (sp?).
Despite a less than effective epidural, Lady came through with flying colors. Piper is dealing with some blood incompatibility issues, and so has to remain at the hospital for phototherapy until bilirubin levels come down some more. She has both Rh incompatibility (even with the Rhogam shots) and blood grouping incompatibility (i.e. A vs O). Lady gets to stay overnight at the hospital (free of charge) to continue nursing baby Piper, until the bilirubin levels drop below 11 (I think...feel free to correct me Lady!)

Congratulations and lots of love to Lady and Man! We'll look forward to some pictures, once everyone is home safe and sound!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Apple Cinnamon Cake

I was going to make a spice cake for Family dinner this past week. That is until I found this recipe on the back of the mix box. It was great, especially with whipped cream on top (then again, what isn't good with whipped cream on top? !) I didn't get a picture of it befoer it was devoured or I'd post that too!

Anyway, here's the recipe:
1 spice cake cake mix
1 (21oz) can apple pie filling**
3 eggs
3 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
whipped topping

Heat oven to 350 F. Grease bottom only of 9x13 pan. Mix the apple pie filling, the eggs and cake mix in a large bowl. Batter will be thick. Spread 1/2 the batter in pan. Mix cinnamon and sugar in bowl and sprinkle over batter in pan. Scoop remaining batter into pan. Bake for 30 -35 minutes. Serve with whipped topping.

**I actually used a quart of our home-canned apple pie wasn't as thick a batter, but the cake was super moist.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Don't try it

Just a short list of unfortunate decisions this week!

1) Willow switches up the nose! (Do I really need to explain this one? Well OK, I didn't purposely do it, it just happened while we were bagging leaves (and lots of sticks) this week. Really, it was unintentional!)

2)Let me make toast...ever! Think Peanut's but worse. I know, hard to imagine, but true story! The thing is I keep trying(and failing!)

3)Talk about who is expecting in my Enrichment Night they all thought I was making a personal announcement (I'm not and wasn't). Boy did that generate a wave of chatter through the sisters though!

4)Garden in blue leather end up with blue hands!

5) Letting your 3 yr-old cut his own hair. (OK so we didn't really let him, he just did it for the fifth time...sigh!Here's what is left after trying to fix the damage.)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Girls in the leaves

I got these pictures this week, and boy am I glad...cause the weather has turned very cold and wet and there won't be fun-leaf-picture-opportunities anymore this year. For some reason, Buddy had no interest in the leaves (hence no pics of him!) I think he was busy kicking his soccer ball up and down the side walk.

But the girls obviously had a ball. Mimi made the traditional (I think it may even be genetic) leaf nest, and placed Sweetsa in the middle. Sweetsa was fascinated by the colors and textures, even when said textures got in her mouth. Mimi had me bury her in the big pile...until she was told there was a spider enjoying the leaf pile with her!)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Carolioness!

What can I say ! This woman is fantastic! She is a great friend, cousin, sister and woman in general. I really wish I could have had Mrs. Lioness as my sixth grade teacher. She is always so dedicated to helping her students learn in a fun way. She helps them put on fabulous Shakespeare plays, something you wouldn't expect most sixth graders to do, let alone understand what they were doing!

And she's great for a laugh and a fun time. I mean, look at her face in this picture...she's having so much fun I want to laugh with them! It was so fun to have her as a roommate for awhile she was always game for ( if not instigating) fun things like our goddess costume get-ups, or the (in)famous quadruple spy-themed blind date! (we still have our "lightsaber" swords!)

And talk about determined! This woman exemplifies determination with a capital "D". When she gets a goal in mind, she goes after it simgle-mindedly...and look out world, cuz' she gets her way!

Carolioness is a wonderful example of someone who lives her convictions, beliefs and testimony. She is so thoughtful, caring and so willing to give service to everyone around her. I am so glad you are in our family! Hope your day was a very special one, because you more than deserve it! Happy (belated) Birthday to the Carolioness!

Greetings from a friend

For those of you who were around this good ole college town about 13 years ago, you have been sent big "Hellos!" from Tanya O'Donell. I was visiting D's office in the city up north. As I walked around a corner, did a double-take, thinking, "No! That couldn't have been her! It's been way too long!" Anyway, it was her! She says hi in particular to Ree, Mark, Harvey and Pookah and says Congrats on the new babies! She had her 3rd about 3 or 4 months ago. She's doing great and it was so fun, if a bit strange, to reminisce for a little while.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

My Taffy melted on the driveway

I don't remember exactly how we came up with that particular (long) nickname, but I think it had something to do with a ceramic bride, or something! And then there's Rine, and Rine-lick of Allan A. Meyer's fame. All these are names for my little sister, Taffy. The girl who always said, "I'm too little!", and got away with it too! Until she decided that she didn't need excuses and went out and conquered the world...or at least her corner of it!

My little sister is a big example to me. She's a great lady, a wonderful mom and fantastic friend. I don't know how she has time, as a mother of four and a half children, but she is constantly serving in the community and church. She and her family continually pursue their talents and share them with the community!I love how Taffy has taught her children to be looking for positive Jessie setting up the recycling program for her school!

I am proud to be Taffy's sister. I hope your Birthday was great Taffy melted on the driveway! I love you! Thanks for being such a great exampl to me!