My Taffy melted on the driveway

I don't remember exactly how we came up with that particular (long) nickname, but I think it had something to do with a ceramic bride, or something! And then there's Rine, and Rine-lick of Allan A. Meyer's fame. All these are names for my little sister, Taffy. The girl who always said, "I'm too little!", and got away with it too! Until she decided that she didn't need excuses and went out and conquered the world...or at least her corner of it!
My little sister is a big example to me. She's a great lady, a wonderful mom and fantastic friend. I don't know how she has time, as a mother of four and a half children, but she is constantly serving in the community and church. She and her family continually pursue their talents and share them with the community!I love how Taffy has taught her children to be looking for positive Jessie setting up the recycling program for her school!
I am proud to be Taffy's sister. I hope your Birthday was great Taffy melted on the driveway! I love you! Thanks for being such a great exampl to me!
Happy Bday Taffy! And I'm glad that you're not actually melted on the driveway, or even frozen like my driveway this morning.
Yeah, happy birthday! I ditto everything B said, cause melted or frozen, you are amazing!
Yeah, happy birthday Taffy! I love you, and I agree--you're great!
Hope it was great Taffy! You are a wonderful, kind, patient mother and I admire you greatly. Hope you were well taken care of!
I'm more than a bit late here (somehow I didn't see this blog entry til today!) but I too want to join in and wish that your birthday was a wonderful one Taffy!!! I'm glad you never melted on the driveway either (else how could I have met such a wonderful and kind and loving woman?) Love & hugs, dani
Thank you all! I love you too!
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