Girls in the leaves

I got these pictures this week, and boy am I glad...cause the weather has turned very cold and wet and there won't be fun-leaf-picture-opportunities anymore this year. For some reason, Buddy had no interest in the leaves (hence no pics of him!) I think he was busy kicking his soccer ball up and down the side walk.
But the girls obviously had a ball. Mimi made the traditional (I think it may even be genetic) leaf nest, and placed Sweetsa in the middle. Sweetsa was fascinated by the colors and textures, even when said textures got in her mouth. Mimi had me bury her in the big pile...until she was told there was a spider enjoying the leaf pile with her!)
Thank you for posting the pictures. Your girls are so cute! I'm glad Mimi is keeping the leaf pile tradition alive. Sweetsa has such fun expressions...I love it!
Leaf piles are so fun. If there were more trees around here I think my kids would make leaf nests too! I'm glad I don't have to rake the leaves though! (by the way, all last week we had temps in the high 80's to low 90's)
Leaf piles are fun, especially as Mimi has learned, if you don't think too much about what is in there with you! Lovely fall colors - thanks for sharing.
What fun! Is Mimi afraid of spiders in particular, or all things creepy crawly?
Spiders in particular I believe, but also bees. She loves to let potato bugs crawl on her. Lady bugs too I think.
I haven't jumped in a leaf pile in a long time, but seeing those cuties having so much fun makes me want to give it a try!
We enjoyed leaf piles in Oklahoma but here we don't have one tree in the yard that loses leaves. Our neighbors have all pine. It's just not the same to bury yourself in pine needles. I'm with Taffy - I sure don't miss raking. Maybe we'll have to hit the park.
Hey Bethany-
It has been so long, I am trying not to be such a slacker. Your kids are so adorable. And nothing is as fun outdoors in the fall as a great big pile of leaves!
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