Friday, April 24, 2009

April Flowers bring...?

D and I have noticed that our flowers seem to be doing better this year than in recent memory. I don't know if it has to do with the fact that I took out a lot of ornamental onions/allium last year, and freed up some space for our spring bulbs, or if it has more to do with the weather. Some of these are from the garden along our driveway, and some are in the backyard. The ones in the backyard really make me happy because they were all transplanted two years ago and are looking better than ever! And the bleeding heart also makes me happy because I thought it had died (like the other three on our property). I guess it was just taking a Sabbath Year.

They make me smile every time I see them. I love spring! So April flowers bring...Joy!

Easter Dresses 2009

Well I seem to be on a biennial schedule as far as making Easter outfits for the kids...but this was an on year. Back at the end of February, as I was cleaning out our linen closet, I found an old set of curtains in a bag. They must have been in the closet since before we lived here [(Yes, I realize that is 8+ years now. No, I do not go through my closets very often (especially the shelves that I have to climb on a two step stool to see.)] Anyway, I knew I wouldn't use the curtains...they don't quite fit our current scheme, so I was about to DI them, when I thought..."There is probably enough fabric here to make some skirts for the girls." If I hadn't been thinking about buying fabric for Easter dresses I admit I never would have thought to pull a Maria from the Sound of Music. Mimi ended up with a skirt, Sweetsa with a dress, and Peaches with a jumper. Here are the finished dresses as they looked on Easter Sunday:

Happy Birthday!

So here is the cake I made for our Relief Society Birthday Party a few weeks ago. It's called a Double Berry Layer cake, and it was pretty good, if I do say so myself!