We spent Christmas Eve with my parents, the Mixed Nuts, and Beezhe Buns (HOW do you spell that?!)
We ate our traditional meal: Jell-o Ribbon salad, ring bologna, crackers, cheese, chips, veggies, dip, ham and rolls and of course egg nog.

And then we started getting into costume for the "Come Let Us Adore Him"
FHE program that our family has been doing since 1968? (Did I get that right...or was it 1970?)

This year Sweetsa was Mary;

Uncle Woeful was Joseph;

Aunt Woefulgal was the Sheep;

Granpa Daddy-O, Gramma Sph-1, and I were wise guys (I guess Baby B was too);

Mimi and Breezy were Shepherdesses

You can see that Mimi was the Shepherdess from da hood , sporting her do-rag!);

Uncle Beezhe Bun was also a shepherd;

and Daddy D and Buddy were the angels.

Did I get all the key parts and participants?
Now, since Sweetsa was Mary, there were some new plot twists to the story. First she had a wardrobe change...the starry white fabric wouldn't stay on her head, and worked much better for hiding under than for being the lead in the annual nativity.

So after costuming was completed, the story began. When the wise men brought the gifts for the baby Jesus, Sweetsa was happy to share with the baby, until she found the "hidden treasure"...the gold coins inside one of the boxes.

After finding those she said, "These are for me!" And she hid them, so she wouldn't have to share.

She didn't even want me to take a picture of what she was hiding in the swaddling clothes (besides the fact that Snow White was playing Jesus this year.)

And so, the Wise Men brought gifts for the newborn king, frankincense and myrrh, and for the Mother Mary, Chocolate Gold Coins.

Merry Christmas! And stay away from the gold!
PS Sorry about the blurry pics sneaking in, I couldn't tell they were blurry when I uploaded them. Also did you spot the "discreet" nursing pic...oops didn't notice that one at first either!