During a somewhat random phone call yesterday, D asked if I would be stopping at JCPenny. Puzzled, I asked why (thinking he wanted me to look at something in particular, maybe for the house.) He said that he thought I might want to check out their clearance sale, but if I didn't feel like it, no worries.
Now, The interesting thing is that, although D thinks I enjoy shopping, I HATE clothes shopping, especially for myself...probably because I have such a hard time finding clothes that are comfortable, easy to clean, and still look somewhat cute (although that last is really really low on the priority scale at times..comfort is the priority for me.)
Anyway, since I didn't have Ka'lel with me I felt pretty free (only lugging two kids around...HAH!) so I decided I'd drop by and give it a look, but knew I wouldn't find anything. Boy was I surprised! A few hours later, I walked out of JCPenny with the beginnings of a new wardrobe (11 or 12 items for me) and at least one item for each of the others in the family as well as a new baby gift for our friends who just had a baby boy on Monday, all for less than $100! Now I still had to gulp as I paid, because I went in thinking I wasn't going to buy anything (I guess I should have left the $$ at home then, huh!?)And I had to call D and "confess" how much I spent...but even he was impressed by how much I got for that amount