Sunday, March 11, 2007

Our Sweet 18 month old!

I almost can't believe it's been 18 months since Sweetsa joined our family! the time has literally flown by! Sweetsa you have grown so much, even though your are still so little! At your 18 mos check up last week, we learned that you are a bit over 19 pounds (only a 3 oz gain from last month), but you have grown 3 inches since your last well check! Good Job Girl! We love having you so cuddly and cute!

Your are rediscovering the joys of the outdoors, and would rather be there than almost anywhere else (it's a toss up between the bath and outside!) You used to sit and find interesting things in the lawn, but now you are everywhere! You want so much to be able to ride the bikes and scooters like Mimi and Buddy, but you need to grow a bit more and get a bit more coordinated before you can do that. It makes you happy just to run after them, though!

You love being close to people and will give anyone who cries a hug, especially if you are the cause of the crying. Yes, you aren't afraid to stand up for yourself, when the bigger kids try to make you do something. You always enjoy our nightly cuddle and snug time, before bed.

You love to have things on your head. I love hearing your little giggle, after you've "hidden" under a blanket, the laundry, or the clothes set out for the day. It frustrates your sister Mimi sometimes, when her clothes "walk off", and aren't where she expects them to be. But it makes us all laugh to see you so pleased with yourself with a random article of clothing on your head!

But I think the thing that you enjoy most of all is music and singing. Any time you hear music you start be-bopping around, waving your arms and twirling to the music. You also love for us to sing songs, when we come to the end of the song you are so good about making the sign for more, with such a pleading look on your face! How can we refuse that!? Your favorite song is little Bunny Foo love bopping the field mice on the head! (This is Sweetsa dancing in her crib in the morning.)

It is so fun to watch your personality come out more each day, as you learn more about the world around you. We love having you in our family. Happy 18 month mark!


Blogger Ree said...

What a cutie! I hope I can hear her sing sometime.

8:18 PM  
Blogger B said...

Me Too! She doesn't actually sing yet (she's not even saying much more than mama yet)...she just loves it when others sing!

9:02 PM  
Blogger Taffy said...

Sweet tiny girl! 18 months is such a fun age!

12:01 AM  

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