Finding Joy (again)

I think I woke up the other day.
It was a gorgeous day and instead of staying in to do the dishes and sweep the floors, I gave in to my children's pleas to go to the "green, yellow and brown" park near our home. Many of you will recognize it. While it was a beautiful day for February, it was still a bit chilly, so we had the park to ourselves. One of the great things about this outing was that Mimi and Buddy worked together to get a "picnic snack basket" put together (I wish I had thought to get a pic of that!) So when they tired a bit of running and playing, we spread out our blanket and ate apples and peanut butter and drank Capri Suns. Anyway, the kids played and went on the swings until I noticed Sweetsa shuddering with cold, and declared it time to go home and see Daddy, who should be home from work soon.
I said I woke up. I have been feeling so tired and emotional (no I am not pregnant), and basically not ME for what seems like a very long time. At the park as the kids were swinging, I climbed on a swing and...woke up to joy again. It felt so good to fly through the air and pump my head above the horizontal pole, and See everything around me. And I started thinking about how wonderful life is. God wants us to be happy, and has given us, ME, so many things to help me be happy, and feel the joy. I'm glad he gave us swings to remind me of that again
Good Morning! I'm glad you found joy again. There really is nothing quite like swinging. So fun!
Sometimes I think I should name one of my children Joy just so I could say I found Joy!
Maybe I need to go swinging too . . . I've been feeling the same lately but don't quite know how to fix things.
That is awesome, I love the pics, they're way cute and put a picnic basket together how fun! I love swings too and need to get on them more often.
I think i understand your feelings, B. Swinging sounds like a really good idea. Hope you continue to find joy daily! (It is pretty fun to have a child named Joy, Taffy.)
Hi, B - I don't know you and you don't know me (except through blogs, I guess . . . ), so I hope you don't mind my comment here, but I just wanted to tell you how much I like this post. I've been learning to find the joy, too, as I leave housework to find joy in time with my little ones. Thanks for this affirmation of that.
I'm so glad for you! I think that Heavenly Father is so gracious to give us these experiences where life is absolutely perfect in that moment. We can file those memories away and go back to them when we need a refresher. Heavenly Father sure is wonderful! What a great mom you are to take these moments with your children. I guarantee you that these are the things that they will remember. Thanks for the post!
Thank you B. I really know how you feel. It certainly helps when the sun shines and the weather is at least pleasant. You are doing such a great job and you really deserve those moments every day.
So I took your advice (I guess you could call it that) and went swinging with the kids this week. I have to say that is was exhilarating. The long cold winter makes me feel not myself as well. So when it finally gets sunny and not as cold out I love to go out and get some fresh air. It certainly makes me feel alive again. The kids of course love it as well. So thanks for your post!
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