
I feel like I have sixteen posts brewing in my mind right now. I have really been enjoying everyone's posts, on my weekly blog check-up, but haven't quite found time to post for a while, so I'll try to catch up. Here's how my kids have been entertaining themselves...and No, Lady, my kids NEVER make messes! (Ok, Sweetsa has only gotten into the butter two more times since I posted that pic!) Buddy found the here's life through his eyes for a moment!
And here is what big D has been busying himself with (when he's not at work or with the Scouts or at meetings!)


We no longer have the Bathroom from Outer Darkness! WOO-HOO! And we've gotten our room done too. Mimi wants us to paint her room like Tinker Bell's room next. We'll have to see about that.


This is apparently a really bad pic...the color is actually gray, not puke green circular rainbows!!

Oh yeah and Mimi and Buddy and I helped a bit. And I got my hair chopped (one goal down!) Now to work on the shedding issue!

Here is our Sweetsa on Love Day. We found out that she has gained some weight, but is still not quite 19 lbs...slowly but surely, she's growing. And someday she'll be able to face forward in the car!
I think I'll end this marathon picture blog for now, but there should be more posts coming soon!
Iknow what you mean, I get back logged all the time too. Also, your kids are very cute. Why didn't you go for the puke green circular rainbows?
I'm always impressed with how much your family does!! Both rooms look great-I especially liked the bathroom. I only wonder how Buddy would feel about the Tinkerbell look...
I was laughing so hard at the "puke green circlular rainbows". Sweetsa look so darling eating celery and wearing pigtails. I do think that Buddy needs to take a photography class though, I was having a hardtime figuring out those first photos.
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