She's too tiny to be...!

I can't tell you how many times I've heard that exclamation about Sweetsa, especially since she started walking. Anyway, about ten days ago Sweetsa had her one-year-old well-check with the pediatrician. In our visits with him during the past six months he has expressed some concern about her declining percentages. She started out at a rather average weight of 6# 15oz with a length of 18.5 inches. At one year she is 16# (~2%) and 26 inches tall(~2%). Because she didn't start out so tiny, the doctor is concerned that there might be something wrong, metabolically. So we spent some time in the lab at the hospital last week (read 3 hours!). Oh, joy of joys!
I remembered the horror of getting Mimi and Buddy's blood drawn last year during the lead ordeal, and certainly did not look forward to taking little Sweetsa in for a whole barrage of tests. As it turned out, it was time to get them all tested for lead again (to see if their levels have decreased, as hoped). So I enlisted D's help and we spent a horrible time getting the kids poked. Mimi was by far the worst, but Buddy and Sweetsa had their share of tears and screaming. Besides being tested for lead, Sweetsa also had some blood drawn for a CBC, a metabolic panel and had to get a specimen collected for a UA (that's a urinalysis, which meant we had to wait for a pediatric nurse who could do a catheter on a young child).
Tonight we finally got the results. It turns out that the lead results for Mimi and Buddy are fantastic: their blood lead levels have dropped dramatically! WOOHOO! Sweetsa's unfortunately has increased. But her first test was done the day she was born...she has eaten some dirt since then! Although her level is higher, it is still within "normal limits". But because it is higher than the first test, she will be tested again probably in a few months (Yeah, another trip to the lab.)
The other results...she's apparently been fighting a UTI. She's been put on antibiotics and will see the pedi again in three weeks (that was her next appointment for a weight check). They'll do a repeat UA to make sure the antibiotics do their job. The pediatrician is surmising that she has had recurrent UTI's and that is why she is so little...her body is using the energy to fight the infections, instead of growing. I guess we'll see. She has had several fevers without other symptoms (apparently that is one clue for a UTI in a child). Anyway, hopefully this all leads to getting some meat on her bones and height on her frame in the coming months...then she can move out of the 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers! Here's hopin'!
wow! it's nice to know that i'm not the only mommy with a small one! all the doctor stuff does not sound fun though...glad we've been able to avoid that so far! i keep buying D '12 month' clothes (to make myself feel better) and just roll up the pant legs! ha ha!!
Wow...hopefully the UTI is what did it. I'm glad they were able to find that and help her out. Glad the other 2 have lower lead levels. Next time you'll only have to take one into the lab. Good luck!
Medical mystery solved, i hope. Now grow, baby, grow!
While I do want her to grow and be healthy and strong, I have to admit I like Sweetsa tiny. She's cuddly and kissable at the same time, but still so grown up. But perhaps she won't appreciate such sentiments when she's, say, in her thirties. So grow baby grow!
Sorry about your labwork ordeals.
I remember that Daisy Sandybanks was in negative percentiles for a while. That meant that out of 100 children her age, 105 were taller and heavier than she. I also remember that Daniel was 16 and driving, but looked like he might be more like 12.
I think Doc might be looking for the source of the acorn a little far from the tree, but maybe that's just me.
I am not a doctor, but I was thinking along the same lines Mark.
Might I remind everyone that I was 9 pounds 5 ounces and didn't stay in that percentile very long. Both Chase and Ainsley were in the 8 -8 1/2 pound range and were probably at most 18 pounds at a year. I am glad that your doctor is doing tests for your peace of mind but I think she might just be small.
I'm glad the UTI was discovered and Sweetsa can now be treated for it. I too was wondering what the genetic contribution was. Either way--Grow baby grow
Poor little sweet sweetsa. I hate to hear of kids getting poked and cathed and all that stuff. I'll be praying for her and you and your next round of stuff. My little Banana is small too, but at least the 6-9 months fits him. He looks just like his dad, but is short and stout like me. Anyway, tiny kids are great too.
If Doc is looking too far, he wouldn't be the first. I have a recollection of SPH-2 telling about the following (though SPH-2 does not): of Boss being tested because she was behind the charts. With the results Doc approached SPH-2 and worriedly said that Boss "might only grow to be 5'1" or 2". SPH-2 thought - What's wrong with that? I'm only 5'!!
Yeah, if she were just short I wouldn't care...I think I have dealt with "the short straw" well enough in my life, she would be ok, too. And it's not such a big surprise to have a short child come from not-exactly-tall parents. The fact that the growth slow-down started affecting her head cicumference is what got me concerned.
Thanks for all the thoughts, well-wishes and prayers!
What's wrong with bein' short as long as you're healty and happy?
My husband says he also thinks it's the "Henrichshort gene."
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