Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Toddler Talk Tuesday

I'm going to copy my good friend, the Mommy, and share some common toddler speak from our family. Most of these are courtesy of Sweetsa, but I'll include a couple from Mimi and Buddy too.

Awe-THumb! (This is Buddy's favorite saying, hands down)

Mosquitoes are vampire helpers.

some-scream (what we put on before going out in the sun)

care-of-me!? (will you carry me?)

jalompy (the letters that come between 'I' and 'Q' in the alphabet)

sapeared (Sweetsa's answer when we're looking for something...It disappeared!)

Here is validation of Sweetsa's nickname: Sweetsa: Me hungwy Mommy! Me: Sweetsa, do you want noodles or ham and cheese for lunch? S: Tandy! M: Maybe after you eat some lunch you may have some candy. S: (Shaking her head regretfully) No me hungwy, Mommy! or even better(and I think she got this one from Buddy), Oh, me tired mommy (I'm too tired to eat real food, but if you offer me candy I just might survive the day!)

Sweetsa doesn't use the word not very often, instead shaking her head to negate her sentences. For example, "Me like!" or "Me want" while shaking her head no. This was really confusing at first! Recently she has begun to say no in front of some words, but I really have to be watching her when she talks to me so that I can catch the real meaning she's trying to get across.

And last but not least I love it when she says,"You make me so funny!" which of course means, "You make me laugh!"


Blogger The Mathews Family said...

I love that she shakes her head no instead of using the word! That is funny! I'm sure it was pretty confusing at first.

Swedish Pancakes are what The Daddy brings to the crepe breakfast, too. I made the mistake the first year of asking him "weren't crepes and SP basically the same thing?". Um.... NO! I've never made the same mistake again. Ha Ha!

7:06 AM  
Blogger Jam said...

I love your family!!!!! They make me smile, and their cute faces occasionally make it onto my blog! :D

10:34 AM  

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