Monday, March 06, 2006

If I had ...

Many times I have thought, If I had a dishwasherI do this with my time...I'd have a sparkling clean house, bathed children with always combed hair; we'd play outside more, I'd start reading again; the walls and baseboards would get washed occaisionally; the filing would not pile up so much, windows would get washed, curtains woud get made (I've had the fabric for 2 years), the weeds would get cleared out of the flower beds, the other outside work (lead abatement) would get done...and the list goes on ad infinitum.

So... now I have a dishwasher(and there was much rejoicing!) And I freely, although somewhat abashedly, admit that I don't think that any of those things has occurred/been accomplished since we got the dishwasher (except bathing the kids and combing their hair, that is). Granted, it's only been two weeks since we got it, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! But it didn't create as much time in my schedule as I imagined it would.

Ah well, I am really enjoying the dishwasher, and hope that someday I'll get to that list.


Blogger Boss said...

We have a dishwasher. Oddly enough, I still have a hard time getting to the dusty ceiling fans, the outside windows that haven't been washed since we moved in, the teetering piles of boxes in the basement, or the baby blankets I was going to make for relatives who are now walking and talking. And on top of that, it turns out the dishes don't load themselves into the dishwaser, so I STILL start nearly every day with a pile of dirty dishes! If I had a waterproof house robot ... now that would be something! My point? I hear 'ya!

12:10 PM  
Blogger John said...

That's weird, our dishes seem to load themselves into the dishwasher, one day the sink is full and the next day the dishes are clean inside the dishwasher. Maybe you should get a dishwasher like ours...

12:33 PM  
Blogger Shana said...

You know, back in the day, our Pioneer ancestors spent all day just doing laundry, because they didn't have a washing machine that would do it all in an hour. Same with meal prep and dishes. And if all they accomplished in that one day was a few loads of laundry they had done really well for themselves. As much as I love my dishwasher and my washing machine--it's their fault we expect so much from ourselves. It is no longer enough to wash a few loads of laundry. . . now we've gotta wash all the dishes, do all the grocery shopping, clean the house, make dinner and all of it while we entertain our children, driving them here, there and everywhere. I wonder what those Pioneer women would think of us. Probably instead of focusing on all the things on our lists we hadn't done, they'd be in awe of all the things we had accomplished--which is no small feat, especially with 3 very small children in tow. I know you are a fabulous mommy to those great kids of yours and there's no dishwasher anywhere that can beat that.

6:55 AM  
Blogger Taffy said...

I think we all pick something to blame our to do lists on. I like Shana's point. We just need to give ourselves credit for what we do accomplish. This includes not only sewing curtains and dishes but taking a shower (which for me is often a big accomplishment) and wiping poopy bottoms (which I happened to do four times today.)

5:39 PM  
Blogger Trick said...

Through out our 5 plus years of marriage, we have not had a dishwasher, had a dishwasher, not had a dishwasher, had a dishwasher, and again two times more. Twice we have gone through tearing out cupboards and a night of construction to get one in our kitchen. I think Travis has found that he has a happier wife and much better meals (I am happier to cook when I don't dread the mess it will make) with a dishwasher. I have a routine now, and so it feels like it takes no time at all to get the dishwasher filled, and sometimes I have the kids help unload. (One does the silverware very well, the other needs a lot of redirection) I am so happy for you that you have one now.

7:11 PM  

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